Financial Advisory

GCG Advisors supports its clients in the management and procurement of value-added financial services. The Firm has ample experience in the Financial Advisory field with particular emphasis in:

Asset Valuation and Financial Modelling.
Capital Structure Optimization.
Liability Restructuring.
Capital Procurement.
Mergers & Acquisitions, Divestitures.

Capital Raising

GCG Advisors seeks to constantly support its clients in the design, structuring and execution of debt and equity financing solutions. The Firm has ample and extensive experience in planning, structuring and placement coordination of fixed income and equity instruments, amid different capitalization stages, ranging from “Friends & Family” and “Venture Capital” to Initial Public Offerings in local and international Public Stock Exchanges such as The New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, the Spanish Mercado Alternativo Bursátil and the Wiener Börse.

Public Debt and Equity Placements.
Private Debt and Equity Placements.
Asset Titularizations.
Project Finance.
Loan Syndications
Venture Capital.
Private Equity.

Financial Product Design

GCG Advisors seeks to become a partner with its clients in Identifying, Designing, Structuring, Developing and Executing innovative and functional Financial Products and Solutions, adapted to the specific needs of each company according to its sector, geography and demography and activity within market conditions, be it local and/or international, in which they operate. GCG Advisors and its ample experience in economic sectors as diverse as Sovereign and Quasi-Sovereign Credit; Oil & Gas; Real State; Hospitality; Engineering, Procurement & Construction; Cement; Petrochemicals; Food and Beverage; Packaging; Media, Technology & Internet; Fashion & Interior Design; Luxury; Telecommunications; Conventional and Alternative Electrical Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution; Banking; Industrial Fishing and Livestock in varied regions as North America; Central, South America and Panama’s Isthmus; Developed and Emerging Europe and Southeast Asia and with products that encompass Corporate Finance; Asset Management; Financing; Distress Assets and Restructurings; Arbitrage & Litigation. These experiences are the basis that allows the Firm to design bespoke financial solutions that include:

Design and Structuring of Financial Product.
Evaluation and introduction of Financial Product.
Adaptation and Personalization of Financial Product.